VPN Setup (WFH Solution)

Virtual Private Network (VPN) Solutions for Businesses
Malaysia & Singapore is one of the world’s leading countries in business and technology. However, that also makes it a prime target for online hackers and illegal data mining. With Malaysia & Singapore reputation as the top commerce and communications hub in Southeast Asia, the threats often come from outside hence the need for tighter online security.
A simple solution is to implement a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to protect the information passing through your company. Having a Virtual Private Network (VPN) can eliminate and minimize majority of these outside threats thus making it an essential yet cost effective solution for protecting your business.
A report from WIRED magazine indicates that 70 percent of small business owners surveyed had no idea what a VPN is, or how it could help their business. If you fall into the majority of business owners who have not heard of a VPN, the following information will help illustrate how a company’s VPN setup can potentially secure your data from external threats.
What is a VPN ?
After a company’s VPN setup is successful and configured correctly, it creates a virtual cable between a computer and the server, encapsulating the encrypted information with an IP header that routes your sensitive information safely and securely through the internet to the intended computer on the other end. The encryption tools make it impossible for your information to be read, while encapsulation helps to protect it at the most vulnerable points of internet communications.
There are mainly 2 types of VPN:
Remote Access VPN
This allows connection to a private network and access its services and resources remotely which is widely used for business users as well as home users. A travelling corporate employee can also connect to his/her company’s private network to resume work.
Site-to-Site VPN
Companies with offices in different geographical locations typically uses site-to-site VPN to create a virtual bridge between the networks at offsite offices. The communication between the different locations will commence only after an authentication is validated.
Why is A VPN Important?
Ultimately, the greatest use of a VPN is ensuring that your business, customers, and business partners have the finest online security to protect your transactions. Here, we highlight the key advantages of a VPN for business use:
Improved communications and productivity
If your employees travel a lot, you will want to give them a secure network to log into instead of using public networks. Public wi-fi networks can be easily hacked or spied on so if your employees are sending or receiving sensitive data, protect it with a VPN.
Reduce risk of breaches and attacks
According to leading cybersecurity company Symantec, only major cyberattacks are ever reported to the authorities. There are many more that you do not hear about. Reduce the risk of by securing your network to avoid becoming a statistic.
Make your clients feel secure
If you collect any data or information from clients, you will want to give them the utmost security assurance. Alleviate the client’s worries by keeping their data secure.
No restrictions while overseas
Some countries banned certain sites from being accessed. For example, Facebook is not accessible in China. VPN can overcome restriction set by certain countries, giving you unbridled access to the Internet.
Contact Us for your VPN Solutions
Many businesses have employees that work remotely or require travelling. Having a VPN network in place helps to protect the exchange of information while helping your business operate more effectively by allowing the flexibility of working from anywhere in the world.
Clearly, the ability to protect critical information while enabling global communications in a secure environment makes VPN solution an important part of your business.
- Efficient Methodology
- Efficient Tools
- Complex Approach
- Best Practices
- User Authentication and Control
NEELATECH not just understand the potential IT risks rather our team helps in managing the services at all times. The usage of the services of NEELATECH would allow you to have a partner who can protect your organization’s digital asset effectively and efficiently. Our team of experts are well equipped to customize IT security solutions to cater for the diversified security needs and complex technological challenges yet at the same time keep in mind of individual organization’s goals, environment, and changing needs.
IT Security Assessment Process
In order for a system to be compromised, three crucial elements must interact – the system susceptibility or flaw, perpetrator’s access to the flaw, and perpetrator’s capability to exploit the flaw. To be able to secure the IT system properly, it is important to understand the various types of attacks that can be made against IT system. An initial IT security assessment to evaluate the potential risks, threats, and loopholes is done.
These threats can be classified into the below categories:
A backdoor is a method of bypassing normal authentication so that the cyber attacker can access the IT system remotely.
Denial-of-service attack
The common distribute denial of service (DDoS) attacks uses a large number of compromised hosts, commonly referred to as ‘zombie computers’ to flood a target system with network requests. The result is the exhaustion of resources rendering the system unusable.
Direct-access attacks
An unauthorized user can gain physical access to the computer and can install different types of devices to compromise the IT security.
Eavesdropping is the act of listening to a private conversation between hosts on a network. Programs such as Carnivore, Naruslnsight & TEMPEST are used to eavesdrop on systems.
Spoofing refers to the masquerade of one person or program as another by falsifying data.
Tampering is an intentional modification of products with the goal of making them harmful to the consumer.
Repudiation describes a situation whereby the authenticity of a signature is being challenged.
Information disclosure
Information disclosure refers to a situation where information, thought to be secure is released.
Privilege escalation
Privilege escalation is when a cyber attacker gains elevated privileges or access to resources that were previously restricted to them.
An exploit is a software tool designed to take advantage of a flaw in an IT system.
Social engineering
Social engineering refers to the deception method used take advantage of the Neelatechlessness of trusted individuals. For example, the cyber attacker can send emails by impersonating a bank, a contractor, or a customer to ask for details such as passwords, card numbers etc.
Indirect attacks
An indirect attack s when a cyber attacker uses a third-party computer to launch an attack, making it far more difficult to track down the attacker.
After identifying the vulnerabilities in the system an effective strategy based on the findings is formulated to mitigate the potential threats. This is then followed by timely reviews, monitoring, and system auditing in regular intervals to ensure the safety and the security of the system. This makes sure that the integrated solutions are constantly adjusting itself with the changing threat environment and the system is proficient, reliable, robust, and consist year-on-year.