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Server Monitoring

Have you ever heard your personnel saying that your company’s server is down? Do your customers face difficulties while accessing the content of your website? Are you facing issues relating to the sending and receipt of emails? Do you feel that someone else is using your server? If you are facing any of such problems then it is the time that you take a look at diagnosing the problems in the server and quickly resolve the issues to deliver a seamless experience to the end users.

What is Server Monitoring?
Server Monitoring can be defined as a process of observing and charting the server resources like the CPU usage, Network Usage, Disk Usage, Memory Consumption, I/O, etc. to ensure that your application’s overall health is well maintained and this eventually can improve your capacity planning by delivering a stable connection to the end users.

The Server Monitoring service allows you to protect the epicenter of your IT infrastructure. With this service, one can be alerted to possible hazards that can cause major downtime round the clock, anywhere, at any instant of time. This helps in providing supreme control over your businesses by getting you prepared for the situations of emergency.

Why server monitoring is important?
Server Monitoring plays a major role in the downtime management of your business. Server management can assist in the monitoring of server resources and its allocation. If a server does not have appropriate resources, it could lead to latency issues, slow performance, server unresponsiveness and server crashes. This could directly impact negatively on company’s revenue, brand name, search engine ranking, and low business conversions due to the decreased level of customer satisfaction resulting in technical hiccups.

Therefore, server monitoring is required by the businesses for ensuring that your server is functioning properly with minimal cost without incurring damage to your operations. With the help of server monitoring, an individual can pick up small things before they become bigger and severe for the smooth conduct of your business. This would ensure service availability at all times.